Polski / Poland
MÜPRO kotwa reakcyjna VBA
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Łączniki Rurowe
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Systemy Wibroizolacji
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Wibroizolacja przegród budowlanych
Podpory Wibroizolacyjne
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Izolowane Punkty Stałe i Prowadzące
Podpory Płytowe i Punktowe
Wibroizolatory Neoprenowe
Wibroizolatory Sylomerowe
Zawieszenie Wibroizolacyjne
Zawieszenia Sprężynowe
Zawieszenia Neoprenowe
Płyty Fundamentowe i Ramy
Płyty Inercyjne /bezwładnościowe/
Ramy Stalowe i Szyny Wibroizolacyjne
Wibroizolacja Przemysłowa
Prezyzyjne Kliny Maszynowe
Stopy Maszynowe
Pakiety Izolacyjne
Fundamnty Pływające
Elastyczne Kompensatory
Elastyczne Węże i Połączenia
Karty Katalogowe
Systemy Akustyki
Tłumiki Akustyczne
Ekrany i Żaluzje Dźwiękochłonne
Kabiny i Obudowy Dźwiękochłonne
Płyty Akustyczne
Izolacje Dźwiękowe
Systemy Energii Odnawialnej
Kolektory Słoneczne
Ogniwa Fotowoltaiczne
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Energia Pływów
Pomiary Hałasu Emisji i Imisji
Pomiary Drgań Emisji i Imisji
Analizy Częstotliwościowe Hałasu i Drgań
Analizy Systemowe
Obliczenia Techniczne
FEM Naprężeń
Statyczne i dynamiczne obliczenia
Zamocowania Instalacji Technicznej
Wibroizolacji i Izolacji Dźwękowej
Zabezpieczenia Sejsmiczne
Doradztwo Techniczne
Ekspertyzy Techniczne
Techniczne Specyfikacje
i Wytyczne
Bilans Energetyczny
Systemy Mocowań
Zabezpieczenia Sejsmiczne
Usługa Premontażu
Uszy nie śpią
Izolacje Dźwiękowe
Ochrona Sejsmiczna
Ochrona Pożarowa
Formularz Kontaktowy
Hałas i Drgania Ogólnie
Wibroizolacja Przemysłowa
Architectural & Acoustic Isolation Products
1. Ceiling Isolation Double Deflection Neoprene Systems
Type CRCH Compact Ceiling Hanger W/Double Defl. LDS Rubber Elelemt
Type HD Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger
Type HDCC Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger/Ceiling Channel Clamp
Type HDSMCC Side Mounted Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger W/Ceiling Channel Clamp
Type WHD Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
Type WHDCC Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger W/Channel Clamp & Upper Attachment Hole
Type WHDSM Site Mounted Double Deflection LDS Rubber Hanger W/EYe Bolt
Type WHR LDS Rubber Veiling Hanger
2. Ceiling Isolation Spring Systems
Type 30 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring Hanger
Type 30CC 1" (25mm) Defl. Precompressed Spring Hanger W/Channel Clamp
Type 30CSCH 1" (25mm) 30 Series Compact Spring Hanger W/Channel Brackets
Type 30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type 30NCC 1" (25mm) Defl. Precompressed Spring Hanger and LDS Rubber Hanger W/Channel Grip
Type 30SMCC 1" (25mm) Defl. 30 Series Side Mount Precompressed Spring Hanger W/Channel Clamp
Type DNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Spring and LSD Rubber Hanger
Type HS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Spring Hanger
Type PC30 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Pre-Compressed Spring Hanger
Type PC30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PCDNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PCHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Pre-Compressed Spring Hanger
Type W30 1" (25mm) Defl. 30 Series Hanger With Eyebolts
Type W30CC Precompressed 30 Series Spring Hanger W/Channel Brackets & Top Eye Bolt
Type W30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
Type W30NCC 30N Series Precompressed Spring Hanger W/Eye Bolt & Channel Clamp
Type W30SM 1" (25mm) Defl. 30 Series Side Mount Precompressed Spring Hanger W/Eye Bolt
Type WDNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2 Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
Type WHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2 Hanger With Eyebolts
3. Concrete From Work Systems
Type CC Acoustical Caulking and Type P-7 Perimeter Isolation Board
Type EAFM-11901 2 3/16" (56mm) Tall x 3 1/16" (78mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-12147 2 3/16" (56mm) Tall x 4" (100mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-16144 1/2" (13mm) Tall x 15/16" (24mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-23785 3" (75mm) Tall x 8" (200mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-23956 3" (75mm) Tall x 4" (100mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-28362 4" (100mm) Tall x 3 5/8" (92mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-6534 1" (25mm) Tall x 1 1/2" (38mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-7432 1 1/2" (38mm) Tall x 3" (75mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-7640 2" (50mm) Tall x 3" (75mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8452 2" (50mm) Tall x 4" (100mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8823 2" (50mm) Tall x 2 1/8" (54mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8846 2" (50mm) Tall x 4 7/8" (124mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8852 1 1/2" (38mm) Tall x 1 7/8" (48mm) Dia. Elastomeric Ascoustical Floor Mounts
Type NS Neoprene Sponge Perimeter Isolation Pad
Type WFD Welded Floor Drain for Wooden and Formwork Floating Floors
4. Concrete Lift Slab Systems
Type CC Acoustical Caulking and Type P-7 Perimeter Isolation Board
Type CFD Cast Floor Drain for Concrete Floors
Type FS 450-2935 Lb (204kg - 1331kg) Spring Jack-Up Floating Floor Mount
Type FSN 2800-3500 Lb (1300kg - 1600kg) LDS Jack-Up Floating Floor Mount
Type FSN 500-1700 Lb (230kg - 800kg) LDS Jack-Up Floating Floor Mount
Type NS Neoprene Sponge Perimeter Isolation Pad
Type RISFD Rubber In Shear Jack-Up Floating Floor Damper
Type RISI Rubber In Shear Jack-Up Floating Floor Damper Insert
Type SFFS Seismic Floating Floor Snubber
5. Wall Isolation Systems
Type AB-716 Wall Support Angle Bracket
Type DNSB High Capacity Wall Sway Brance
Type NPS Neoprene Parition Support
Type SPS Spool Type Acoustical Pipe Seal
Type SWS Split Type Acoustical Pipe Seal
Type SWW 16ga Sheet Metal With Double Layer Neoprene W Pad Wall Support
Type WIC Light Duty Wall Sway Brance
6. Wooden Floor Systems
Type CC Acoustical Caulking and Type P-7 Perimeter Isolation Board
Type EAFM-16144 1/2" (13mm) Tall x 15/16" (24mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-6534 1" (25mm) Tall x 1 1/2" (38mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-7432 1 1/2" (38mm) Tall x 3" (75mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-7640 2" (50mm) Tall (75mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8823 2" (50mm) Tall x 2 1/8" (54mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type EAFM-8852 1 1/2" (38mm) Tall x 1 7/8" (48mm) Dia. Elastomeric Acoustical Floor Mounts
Type MFS 110-150 Lb (50kg-68kg) Spring Floor Mount
Type ND Double Defl. Neoprene Mount
Type NS Neoprene Sponge Perimeter Isolation Pad
Type Super W 3/4" (19mm) Thick Waffle Pad
Hangers & Piping/Duct Specialties
1. 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring & Neoprene Hangers
Type DNHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-4 Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PCDNHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-4 Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type RWDNHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series B, 1-4 Spring and LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
Type RWDNHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X & A Spring and LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
Type WDNHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-B Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
2. 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring & Neoprene Hangers w/30 Degree Swing
Type 30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30NS 1" (25mm) Defl. X-F Pre-Compressed Spring & LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
Type RW30N 1" (25mm) Defl. 30 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger W/Seismic Rebound Washers
Type W30N 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
3. 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring Hangers
Type HS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-4 Spring Hanger
Type PCHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-4 Pre-Compressed Spring Hanger
Type WHS 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-A-B Hanger With Eyebolts
4. 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring Hangers w/30 Degree Swing
Type 30 1" (25mm) Defl. Spring Hanger
Type PC30 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Pre-Compressed Spring Hanger
Type RW30 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-F Spring Hanger W/ Seimic Rebound Washer
Type W30 1" (25mm) Defl. 30 Series Hanger With Eyebolts
5. 100 Series Spring & Neoprene Hangers w/30 Degree Swing
Type 30N 2" (50mm) Defl. 100 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type 30N 3" (75mm) Defl. 100 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type 30N 4" (100mm) Defl. 100 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type 30N 5" (125mm) Defl. 100 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 2" (50mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 3" (75mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 4" (100mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 5" (125mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30NS 2" (50mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring & LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
Type PC30NS 4" (100mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring & LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
Type PC30NS 5" (125mm) Defl. 100 Series Pre-Compressed Spring & LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
6. 1000 Defl. Spring & Neoprene Hangers w/30 Degree Swing
Type 30N 3" (75mm) Defl. 1000 Series Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger (Low Capacity)
Type 30N 4" (100mm) Defl. 1000 Series Spring & LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PC30N 3" (75mm) Defl. Low Capacity Pre-Compressed Spring & LDS Rubber Seismic Hanger
7. 2" (50mm) Defl. Spring & Neoprene Hangers
Type DNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type PCDNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Pre-Compressed Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type RWDNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B, C & Multiple Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
Type WDNHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2 Spring and LDS Rubber Hanger
8. 2" (50mm) Defl. Spring Hangers
Type HS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Spring Hanger
Type PCHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2-4 Pre-Compressed Spring Hanger
Type WHS 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B-B2 Hanger With Eyebolts
9. Duble Deflection Neoprene Hangers
Type CRCH Compact Ceiling Hanger W/Double Defl. LDS Rubber Element
Type HD Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger
Type HDCC Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger W/Ceiling Channel Clamp
Type HDSMCC Side Mounted Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger W/Ceiling Channel Clamp
Type WHD Double Defl. LDS Rubber Hanger With Eyebolts
Type WHDSM Site Mount Double Deflection LDS Rubber Hanger W/Eye Bolt
10. Low Capacity Neoprene Ceiling Hangers
Type WHR LDS Rubber Ceiling Hanger
11. Piping & Duct Specialties
Type ADA All Directional Anchor For Pipe Clamps or Guides
Type HES 4" Defl. Pipe Expansion Hangers
Type SPS Spool Type Acoustical Pipe Seal
Type SWS Split Type Acoustical Pipe Seal
Type VSG Vertical Sliding Pipe Guides
Type WBI-WBD 1"-4" (25mm-100mm) Defl. Horizontal Thrust Restraints
12. Simple Spring Hangers
Type IM 1" (25mm) Defl. Series X-C Simple Spring Hanger
Type IM 2" (50mm) Defl. Series B B2 C2 Simple Spring Hanger
Neoprene Mounts & Pads
1. Neoprene Mounts
Type BM Neoprene Cup Mounts
Type BR Captive Neoprene Mount
Type ML Neoprene Leveling & Shock Mount
Type ND Double Defl. Neoprene Mount
Type PB Panel Board Mount
Type R Rubber Stud Mounts
Type RBA, RCA & RDA Captive Neoprene Mount
Type RCL Neoprene Leveling Mounts and Guides
2. Neoprene Pads
Type BBP Bridge Quality Neoprene Bearing Pad
Type BBPM Bridge Quality Neoprene Bearing Pad With Steel Plate
Type BBPMH Bridge Quality Neoprene Bearing Pad W/Steel Plate & Hole
Type BBPSBBP Layered Bridge Quality Neoprene Bearing Pads W/Shim
Type HL Neoprene and Cotton Duck Pad
Type MSW 3/8" (10mm) Thick Natural Rubber Mini Super Waffle Pad
Type MWM 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Steel Plates
Type MWSW 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pads W/Steel Plate & Shim
Type NBP Neoprene Bearing Pad
Type NI Nitrile Waffle Pad
Type NK 1" (25mm) Thick Neoprene Wafflr and Cork Sandwitch Pad
Type Super K 3/4" (19mm) Thick Natural Rubber Waffle and Cork Sandwitch Pad
Type Super W 3/4" (19mm) Thick Natural Waffle Pad
Type Super WH 3/4" (19mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Hole
Type Super WM 3/4" (19mm) Thick Waffle Pad With Steel Top Plate
Type Super WMH 3/4" (19mm) Thick Waffle Pad With Drilled Steel Top Plate
Type Super WSW Layered 3/4" (19mm) Thick Waffle Pad W/ Steel Shims
Type Super WSWH 3/4" (19mm) Layered Neoprene Waffle Pads W/Shim and Hole
Type Super WSWM 3/4" (19mm) Layered Neoprene Waffle Pads W/Steel Plate and Shim
Type Super WSWSW 3/4" (19mm) Layered Neoprene Waffle Pads W/Shims
Type W 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad
Type WFB Neoprene Flatback Waffle Pad
Type WH 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Hole
Type WM 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Steel Plate
Type WMFB 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad With Steel Plate and 1/4" (6mm) Pad
Type WMH 5/16" (8mm) Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Steel Plate and Hole
Type WSW Layered 5/16" (8mm) Thick Waffle Pad With Steel Shims
Type WSWH 5/16" (8mm) Layered Neoprene Waffle Pad W/Hole
3. Neoprene Specialties
Type HG Neoprene Washer Bushing for Bolt Isolation & Seismic Relief
Type HLB & HLW Neoprene Impregnated Duck Tubing and Washer
Type HMIB Hanger Mount Isolated Bushing
Type NPS Neoprene Parition Support
Type NS Neoprene Sponge Perimeter Isolation Pad
Type WJ Machine Leveling Wedge Jacks
Płyty Fundamentowe i Ramy
Type BMK 10" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Outrigger Spring Brackets
Type BMK 10" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Spring Pockets
Type BMK 10" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Spring Pockets & Seismic Snubbers
Type BMK 10" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/3 Templates & Outrigger Spring Pockets Brackets
Type BMK 6" "T" Shape Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Spring Pockets
Type BMK 6" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Spring Pockets
Type BMK 6" Bolted Modular Inertia Base W/2 Templates & Spring Pockets & Seismic Snubbers
Copyright 2008 Adam Sp. z o. o. |
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systemy wibroizolacji